草莓蛋糕造型茶具+汽球圖案!日本Afternoon Tea推出限定小熊維尼系列雜貨
文: 郭詠琪
發佈時間: 2018.11.14

日本Afternoon Tea 推出限定小熊維尼系列雜貨,包括茶壺、杯子、碟子、髮帶等。產品設計圍繞「Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt 」的世界觀,印有小熊維尼和百畝森林裡的朋友們,以及色彩繽紛的汽球圖案,很適合家居裝飾。大家還可以邀請朋友到家裡開派對!一起來看看部分產品!

Afternoon Tea, Afternoon Tea Winnie the Pooh, Afternoon Tea小熊維尼, 小熊維尼, 小熊維尼雜貨, 迪士尼, DISNEY,Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt , Winnie the Pooh

杯子+茶壺套裝 (售價日元4,300円)

Afternoon Tea, Afternoon Tea Winnie the Pooh, Afternoon Tea小熊維尼, 小熊維尼, 小熊維尼雜貨, 迪士尼, DISNEY,Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt , Winnie the Pooh


Afternoon Tea, Afternoon Tea Winnie the Pooh, Afternoon Tea小熊維尼, 小熊維尼, 小熊維尼雜貨, 迪士尼, DISNEY,Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt , Winnie the Pooh


Afternoon Tea, Afternoon Tea Winnie the Pooh, Afternoon Tea小熊維尼, 小熊維尼, 小熊維尼雜貨, 迪士尼, DISNEY,Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt , Winnie the Pooh

碟子 (售價日元1,500円)

草莓蛋糕造型茶具+汽球圖案!日本Afternoon Tea推出限定小熊維尼系列雜貨

攬枕 (售價日元3,300円)

Afternoon Tea, Afternoon Tea Winnie the Pooh, Afternoon Tea小熊維尼, 小熊維尼, 小熊維尼雜貨, 迪士尼, DISNEY,Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt , Winnie the Pooh


Afternoon Tea, Afternoon Tea Winnie the Pooh, Afternoon Tea小熊維尼, 小熊維尼, 小熊維尼雜貨, 迪士尼, DISNEY,Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt , Winnie the Pooh

毛氈 (售價日元4,300円)

Afternoon Tea, Afternoon Tea Winnie the Pooh, Afternoon Tea小熊維尼, 小熊維尼, 小熊維尼雜貨, 迪士尼, DISNEY,Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt , Winnie the Pooh

Afternoon Tea, Afternoon Tea Winnie the Pooh, Afternoon Tea小熊維尼, 小熊維尼, 小熊維尼雜貨, 迪士尼, DISNEY,Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt , Winnie the Pooh

化妝袋 (售價日元1,800円)

Afternoon Tea, Afternoon Tea Winnie the Pooh, Afternoon Tea小熊維尼, 小熊維尼, 小熊維尼雜貨, 迪士尼, DISNEY,Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt , Winnie the Pooh

髮帶 (售價日元1,800円)

Afternoon Tea, Afternoon Tea Winnie the Pooh, Afternoon Tea小熊維尼, 小熊維尼, 小熊維尼雜貨, 迪士尼, DISNEY,Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt , Winnie the Pooh

襪子 (售價日元1,800円)

Afternoon Tea, Afternoon Tea Winnie the Pooh, Afternoon Tea小熊維尼, 小熊維尼, 小熊維尼雜貨, 迪士尼, DISNEY,Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt , Winnie the Pooh

拖鞋 (售價日元2,500円)

Afternoon Tea, Afternoon Tea Winnie the Pooh, Afternoon Tea小熊維尼, 小熊維尼, 小熊維尼雜貨, 迪士尼, DISNEY,Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt , Winnie the Pooh

鏡子  (售價日元1,000円)


Afternoon Tea, Afternoon Tea Winnie the Pooh, Afternoon Tea小熊維尼, 小熊維尼, 小熊維尼雜貨, 迪士尼, DISNEY,Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt , Winnie the PoohAfternoon Tea, Afternoon Tea Winnie the Pooh, Afternoon Tea小熊維尼, 小熊維尼, 小熊維尼雜貨, 迪士尼, DISNEY,Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt , Winnie the Pooh

雙層蛋糕架 (售價日元2,800円)

Afternoon Tea, Afternoon Tea Winnie the Pooh, Afternoon Tea小熊維尼, 小熊維尼, 小熊維尼雜貨, 迪士尼, DISNEY,Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt , Winnie the Pooh

馬克杯 (售價日元1,800円)

Afternoon Tea, Afternoon Tea Winnie the Pooh, Afternoon Tea小熊維尼, 小熊維尼, 小熊維尼雜貨, 迪士尼, DISNEY,Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt , Winnie the Pooh

杯子  (售價日元850円)


Afternoon Tea, Afternoon Tea Winnie the Pooh, Afternoon Tea小熊維尼, 小熊維尼, 小熊維尼雜貨, 迪士尼, DISNEY,Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt , Winnie the PoohAfternoon Tea, Afternoon Tea Winnie the Pooh, Afternoon Tea小熊維尼, 小熊維尼, 小熊維尼雜貨, 迪士尼, DISNEY,Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt , Winnie the Pooh

水壺 (售價日元3,200円)

Afternoon Tea, Afternoon Tea Winnie the Pooh, Afternoon Tea小熊維尼, 小熊維尼, 小熊維尼雜貨, 迪士尼, DISNEY,Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt , Winnie the Pooh


圖案圍裙 (售價日元3,500円)

Afternoon Tea, Afternoon Tea Winnie the Pooh, Afternoon Tea小熊維尼, 小熊維尼, 小熊維尼雜貨, 迪士尼, DISNEY,Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt , Winnie the Pooh

Afternoon Tea, Afternoon Tea Winnie the Pooh, Afternoon Tea小熊維尼, 小熊維尼, 小熊維尼雜貨, 迪士尼, DISNEY,Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt , Winnie the Pooh

蜜糖檸檬茶 (售價日元1,200円)


Afternoon Tea, Afternoon Tea Winnie the Pooh, Afternoon Tea小熊維尼, 小熊維尼, 小熊維尼雜貨, 迪士尼, DISNEY,Winnie the Pooh Honey Hunt , Winnie the Pooh

日本Afternoon Tea 限定小熊維尼系列將於12月1日,於日本東京迪士尼樂園及東京迪士尼海洋銷售點開始發售。更多款式及詳情可繼續留意日本迪士尼官網


