文: 游凱淇
發佈時間: 2024.01.08

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新的一年楊洛婷連同老公、仔女和她媽媽一起到日本北海道享受家庭樂和親子時光,Rabeea連日來都有在個人社交平台分享是次的旅行相,而其中一張引來網民熱烈討論的則是全裸浸溫泉照,相中可見白滑的美背引人遐想。而網民則留言寫道:「shame, how many times were reiterated that no cellphone in onsen by the GM over the past couple days. you claimed yourself as miss HK and you are representing HK isn’t it?」指摘她不應在溫泉範圍內使用手提電話。

對此Rabeea則大方回應她:「My onsen photoshoot had been arranged in advance and took place during the closing hours, as cameras or phones are not permitted inside otherwise. Thank you for your reminder and I hope you are having a good time here as well!」指出她的溫泉攝影是提前安排的,並在關閉時間內進行所以並沒有違反溫泉規矩,一句話秒殺網民盡顯高EQ以及反應能力!

